MAAU est une agence de sourcing en matériaux et produits pour l’architecture et l’aménagement urbain créée par Chloé Grossetête, diplômée en architecture HMONP- urbaniste, animée par l’envie de relier les architectes à la matière.
MAAU est une agence de sourcing en matériaux et produits pour l’architecture et l’aménagement urbain
MAAU est née d’une conviction : la compréhension des matériaux et leur accès constituent un des fondamentaux de la conception architecturale ; le choix des bons matériaux et la connaissance des possibilités est cruciale à l’émergence et à la justesse d’un projet.
Faire correspondre idée et réalité, répondre à la question "comment ", telle est la vocation de MAAU.
MAAU s’inscrit dans le processus de recherche de l’acte de construire ; se positionne comme un lien entre architectes et fabricants / distributeurs / fournisseurs, en partenaire au service du projet.
En veille constante, MAAU sillonne les salons français et européens à la recherche des dernières innovations et savoir-faire liés au monde de la construction.
MAAU was born from a conviction: the understanding of materials and their access is one of the fundamentals of architectural design. MAAU is indeed convinced that the CHOICE OF THE RIGHT MATERIALS and knowledge of the possibilities are crucial to the emergence and accuracy of a project.
MATCH IDEA AND REALITY , this is the vocation of MAAU.
MAAU wants to help you answer the question "how?".
The project above all

NEUTRALITY , INDEPENDENCE and INTEGRITY are its watchwords: MAAU has no commercial interests in transactions with manufacturers and distributors.
MAAU is concerned about the ENVIRONMENT and the HEALTH of workers and occupants: with materials from RESPONSIBLE SECTORS , biosourced, recyclable... it's even better!
From site project manager to "researcher" of materials and solutions

MAAU was born out of more than 10 years of reflection.
At its origin, STUDIES OF ARCHITECTURE AND URBAN PLANNING , an aversion for the fake and a questioning of the image.
From these reflections emerge three themes for dissertations :
A pronounced taste for writing, transmission, organization, operating methods, RESEARCH that has been affirmed over the years in the agency. An abiding admiration for the work of Ticino architects.
A constant leitmotiv: the creation of permanent bridges between disciplines and scales of the territory to design the most coherent projects possible.A multi-faceted exercise, which allows us to "THINK THE DOING".
Then a construction site , which refines a vision of the IMPLEMENTATION OF DETAILS , a SENSITIVITY TO THE CONSTRUCTION .
The discovery of a challenge: that of transforming a conceptual idea into a reality built in a temporality that is part of a power struggle. Satisfaction when initial perspective and reality intertwine.
Pour en savoir davantage sur mon parcours :
Here is a selection of my work as an HMONP architecture graduate - salaried planner :